June 30, 2016 bild.10 aud.27 15-00

Subject: “Ontology of designing: ways of development”

Presentation of the 20th the jubilee issue of the journal “Ontology of designing”

“Brief results of five years”. 
Nikolai Borgest, Executive Editor, Professor
“Problems writing articles in the Journal “Ontology of designing”. Experience editing”.
Dmitry Kozlov, editor, professor
“Ontology Summit 2016 Communiqué”
Korovin Maxim, Translation Editor, post-graduate student

“Ontology of designing – the view of the philosopher”
Nesterov Alexander, head of the Department of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

“The composite design method”
Sergey Malakhov, Head of Innovative of designing the Faculty of Design, Professor

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