Scientific seminar

Samara University
Aircraft Designing and Construction Department
Institute of Control of Complex Systems of Russian Academy of Science

“Ontology of Designing”, a scientific seminar

December 1, 2021
9-15 MSK

The seminar will be held ONLINE
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The main topic:
“Methods, models and technology for ensuring the viability of intelligent systems with declarative knowledge bases”
Speaker: Shalfeeva Elena Arefievna
(IAPU FEB RAS, Vladivostok)

September 30, 2021
14-00 MSK

The seminar will be held ONLINE
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The main topic:
Speaker: Kulikova Anna Alexandrovna,
Ulyanovsk State Technical University.

August 26, 2021
14-00 MSK

The seminar will be held ONLINE
You can connect to the seminar by following the link:

The main topic:
Speaker: Isaeva Olga Sergeevna,
Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Department of Applied Informatics
Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS.

June 29, 2021
15-00 MSK

The seminar will be held ONLINE
You can connect to the seminar by following the link:

The main topic:
“Ontological approach to learning computer-aided design in Mechanical Engineering”
Speaker: Sharaukhova Anastasia Grigorievna, postgraduate student of Samara State Technical University (headed by prof. A.A.Cherepashkov).

May 25, 2021
15-00 MSK

The seminar will be held ONLINE
You can connect to the seminar by following the link:

The main topic:

“Formalization of meaning: concepts, principles, models, examples”

Speaker: Alexey Redozubov, mathematician, co-founder and member of the Board of Trustees of the Academician Natalia Bekhtereva Foundation.

April 20, 2021
15-00 MSK

The seminar will be held ONLINE
You can connect to the seminar by following the link:

The main topic:

“Comprehensibility of an ontological model as a characteristic of its quality “

Speaker: S.V. Mikoni, D. Sc. Eng., Professor, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

February 4, 2020

The seminar will be held ONLINE
You can connect to the seminar by following the link:

Topics discussed:

On the activities of the journal “Ontology of Designing”
The main topic of the seminar:
“Ontology of a scientific direction: formation, development, examples”

Speaker: Borgest N.M., Professor Samara University, senior researcher IССS RAS, Executive Editor of the journal “Ontology of Designing”

February 14, 2020
bild.10 aud.203

Topics discussed:

On the activities of the journal “Ontology of Designin”, portfolio and plans
Speaker: Borgest N.M., Professor Samara University.

The main topic of the seminar:
The role of the designer in the design of aircraft with a target cost
Speaker: Orlov Evgeny, the chief specialist of the Department of Techno-Economic Analysis of TRANSMASHHOLDING JSC (Moscow).
 concepts of cost-engineering, cost-engineer and target cost;
 cost structure of the product, unit and component;
 the ability to assess the cost of the designer in the design process (calculation “top down”, “bottom up”, calculation using PCM software);
 interaction of design participants and methods of adjusting the cost of a product (functional-cost analysis, Value analysis).

November 14, 2019
bild.10 aud.203

Topics discussed:

1. Presentation of new issues of the journal “Ontology of Designing”.
Speaker: Borgest N.M., Professor Samara University.

2. Information about the scientific conference: Samara, Novosibirsk, Ulyanovsk.
Speaker: Smirnov S.V., Deputy Director of the Institute for the Control
of Complex Systems, Russian Academy of Sciences (ICCS RAS).

3. Ontology of quality engineering and management system.
Speaker: Dmitriev A.Y., Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems, member of the All-Russian Organization for Quality, Ph.D., Associate Professor.

March 27, 2019
bild.10 aud.203

Concept development and design of high-speed amphibious vehicle

The report presents a technical proposal for the development of a high-speed amphibious vehicle that can be operated in all climatic zones of the world, including in the harsh conditions of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East. The device complements the existing modes of transport without requiring significant capital investments in the creation of infrastructure. The analysis of the passenger market of Russia. The features and advantages of the chosen concept of the device are shown, its main tactical and technical characteristics are presented. The results of calculations confirming the performance of the proposed apparatus layout are shown. Presents a comparison with the characteristics of competitors, both from the technical side and in terms of economic indicators. The possible routes on which the vehicle can be operated are presented.
Speaker: Associate Professor of the Department of aircraft design, Ph.D. Dmitry Nazarov.

November, 9, 2018
bild.10 aud.203


Issues for discussion:
1. Presentation of new issues of the “Ontology of Designing” journal.
Speaker: Borgest N.M., Professor of the Aircraft Design Department, Senior Researcher Institute for Controlling Complex Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, executive editor of the “Ontology of Designing” journal.

2. Exact formulas for calculating universal coefficients when making multi-criteria decisions.
Speaker: Piyavsky S.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara.

3. Modern optimization technologies. Examples of their use in relation to complex technical systems (aircraft, aircraft engines, automobiles, production systems, control systems, etc.).
Speaker: Igor N. Egorov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Moscow.

April 12, 2018
bild.10 aud.203

Subject: “Ontology of designing of science: the future of scientific journals, the role of universities”

Keynote Speaker: Nikolay Borgest, Professor of Samara University, senior researcher IССS RAS, editor of the journal.

Issues for discussion:


  • About executive editors activities in Q1 2018;
  • Participation in international conferences and plans for the year;
  • The editorial portfolio and plans for its filling;
  • Implementation of the Higher Attestation Commission requirements;
  • Plans for the preparation of the journal for a re-application to the WoS in November 2018;
  • Presentation of the 27 issues of the journal Ontology of Design.

    December 8, 2017
    bild.10 aud.27

    Subject: “Ontology of designing of atmospheric pseudosatellites (APS)”

    Opening speech – Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Boldyrev A.V.

    Discussion papers:
    1. Selection of aerodynamic scheme of APS – Nazarov DV
    2. Selecting the constructive scheme of the APS – Kamalieva RN
    3. Power plant and power supply system APS – Kirillov A.V.
    4. Pilotazhno-navigating equipment and target equipment of APS – Nazarov AA
    5. Selecting the parameters of the external appearance of the APS – Lukyanov O.E.

    November 1, 2016
    bild.10 aud.27


    Introduction – N.M. Borgest

    Brief presentation
    Epistemological and ontological problems of the philosophy of technology: “The fourth kingdom” of F. Dessauer
    A.Y. Nesterov, Samara University

    Keynote addresses
    1 Ontognoseological potential of the problem of constructive covention
    A.N. Ognev, Samara University
    2 As “numbered” the concept of “important”
    S.A. Piyavsky, Architecture and Construction Institute of Samara State Technical University
    3 Holonic approach to control intellectual developing learners
    E.A. Samoilov, Samara state social and pedagogical university

    Additional reports
    1. Negotiations in the theory of intersubjective management
    М. R. Arpentieva, Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky,
    T.V. Moiseeva, Institute for the Control of Complex Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    2. Training technique of topological structures designing based on a variable density body models
    A.V. Boldyrev, M.V. Pavelchuk, Samara University

    June 30, 2016 bild.10 aud.27

    Subject: “Ontology of designing: ways of development”

    Presentation of the 20th the jubilee issue of the journal “Ontology of designing”

    “Brief results of five years”.
    Nikolai Borgest, Executive Editor, Professor
    “Problems writing articles in the Journal “Ontology of designing”. Experience editing”.
    Dmitry Kozlov, editor, professor
    “Ontology Summit 2016 Communiqué”
    Korovin Maxim, Translation Editor, post-graduate student

    “Ontology of designing – the view of the philosopher”
    Nesterov Alexander, head of the Department of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

    “The composite design method”
    Sergey Malakhov, Head of Innovative of designing the Faculty of Design, Professor

    April 23, 2015 bild.10 aud.27

    Subject: “Designer of ontologies: functional examples of problem solving”

    Speakers – developers of scientific and production company “smart solutions”

    03/07/2014, campus building 10, classroom 27

    Subject: “Managing complexity”

    Speaker: George Rzevski,
    Professor Emeritus, Complexity Science and Design Group, the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK and Executive Chairman, Multi-Agent Technology Ltd, London.

    18/02/2014, campus building 10, classroom 27

    Subject: “Science of consciousness: unresolved problems”

    Speaker: Agafonov Andrey Yurievich,
    head of the Department of General psychology of the Samara State University,
    doctor of psychology Sciences,Professor

    22/03/2013, campus building 10, classroom 27
    11-45 a.m.

    Subject: “Multi-agent technology for resource management in real time”

    Speaker: Skobelev Petr Olegovich,
    doctor of technical Sciences, chief designer of “Smart solutions”, Ltd;

    Demonstration of the capabilities of the developed systems “Smart Factory” and “ontology editor” on the actual tasks in the aerospace industry (ISS Progress, JSC Kuznetsov)

    27/10/2011, campus building 10, classroom 27
    10 a.m.

    Subject: “Neocybernetics: Algorithms, Mathematics of Evolution and Future Technologies”

    Speaker: Sergey Mikhailovich Krylov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Samara State Technical University

    26/05/2011, campus building 10, classroom 26
    10 a.m.

    Subject: “The concept of an aircraft design robot”

    1. Ontology of Designing as a “new” research area.
    2. Robotization of research activity and designing.
    3. Modern systems of conceptual aircraft designing.
    4. Thesaurus as the basis of intelligence of designing systems.
    5. Natural language dialogue with an intelligent assistant.
    6. Automatic generation of 3D aircraft models.

    Speakers: Nikolai Mikhailovich Borgest , Ph.D. (Candidate of Science in Technology), KiPLA (Aircraft Designing and Construction Department) Associate Professor
    Dina Vladimirovna Shustova, a KiPLA postgraduate

    6/05/2011, campus building 10, classroom 26
    10 a.m.

    Subject: “Knowledge representation in engineering”

    1. A modelling paradigm. The real world reflection in the artificial environment (e.g. computers) as a mission of artificial intelligence. Two types of models: mathematical and descriptive.
    2. The fundamentals of knowledge representation: object and its quality and properties, the concept and the main result of the logical theory of meaning, assertion as the fundamental basis of operational knowledge.
    3. Object-oriented approach to knowledge representation. History and its interpretation: philosophers, mathematicians, computer programmers and engineers. Ontologies: ideology and pragmatics.
    4. Knowledge formation: ontological data analysis, ontology engineering based on the analysis of formal concepts.
    5. A brief overview of the tools of ontology engineering. General-purpose object-oriented modeling system gB.
    6. Examples of ontological modeling in engineering and social systems.

    Speaker: Prof. Sergey V. Smirnov, Director of the Institute of Control of Complex Systems, RAS.

    Lecturers, postgraduates, and students interested in designing and engineering are invited.



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