Editorial Board

Nikolay M. Borgest*, Ph.D., Professor Samara University, member IAOA, Samara

Stanislav N. Vassilyev*, Dr., Professor, Academician, Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Moscow
Tatiana A. Gavrilova**, Dr., Professor, GSOM SPbU, St.-Petersburg

Vladimir G. GainutdinovDr., Professor, KNITU-KAI, Kazan

Vladimir V. Golenkov*, Dr., Professor, BSUIR, Minsk

Vladimir I. Gorodetsky*, Dr., Professor, SPIIRAN, St.-Petersburg

Valeriya V. Gribova, Dr., Professor, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Institute of Automation and Control Processes, FEB RAS, Vladivostok

Yury A. Zagorulko*, Ph.D., Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, RAS, Novosibirsk

Anton V. Ivaschenko, Dr., Professor, Samara State Technical University, Samara

Valery A. Komarov, Dr., Professor, Samara University, Samara

Vladik Kreinovich, Professor, University of Texas at El Paso

Vladimir Marik, Professor, Scientific Director of the CIIRC of the Czech Technical

Dmitry V. Lande*, Dr., Senior Research Fellow, IPRI NAS of Ukraine, Kiev

Lyudmila V. Massel*, Dr., Professor, Energy Systems Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk

Aleksandr Yu. Nesterov, Dr., Professor, Samara University, Samara

Dmitry A. Novikov, Dr., Professor, Academician of the RAS, Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Moscow

Alexander V. Palagin, Dr., Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev

Yury M. Reznik, Dr., Professor, Institute of Philosophy RAS, Moscow

George Rzevski, Professor, Open University, London

Peter O. Skobelev, Dr., Scientific and Production Company “Smart solutions”, Samara

Sergey V. Smirnov*, Dr., Professor, ICCS RAS, member IAOA, Samara

Dzhavdet S. Suleymanov*, Academician, Vice-President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan

Boris E. Fedunov*, Dr., Professor, Research Institute of Aviation Systems, Moscow

Andrei A. Cherepashkov*, Dr., Associate Professor, Samara State Technical University. Samara

Altynbek A. Sharipbayev*, prof., Academician of IIA, Institute of AI, Astana

Executive Editorial Board

Chief Editor

Scientific and Production Company “Smart solutions”, ICCS RAS, Samara University Researcher ID (WoS): O-8844-2017 Author ID (Scopus): 16235014800 Author ID (РИНЦ): 99551

Deputy Chief Editor

Smirnov SV

Deputy Director of the Institute for the Control 
of Complex Systems, Russian Academy of Sciences (ICCS RAS)

Executive Editor

director of Publishing House “New engineering”


Professor Samara University

Technical Editor

Samara University

Responsible Secretary

Vlasov SA

Samara University

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